Friday 29 July 2022

Android Vs IOS

 Android and iOS are two of the most popular operating systems in the world. They are both developed by a company called Apple and Google respectively. Both these operating systems have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

The main difference between Android and iOS is that Android is an open source OS while iOS is a closed source OS. This means that Android has more capabilities than iOS because it has been developed by a wider range of people. The downside to this is that it can be more vulnerable to cyber attacks because it's open to everyone. On the other hand, iOS is not as vulnerable to cyberattacks because it's closed off from the public.

Android vs IOS is a battle that has been going on for years. It has been the subject of many debates and discussions. The debate continues to rage on even today and it is not likely to end any time soon.

In this article, we will look at some of the major differences between Android and iOS so that you can decide which one you think is best suited for your needs.

Android phones are cheaper than iPhones, but they come with less features and less storage space. Apple iPhones are more expensive, but they have better features and more storage space.


Advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology

What is mobile technology?  

Mobile technology refers to the way we use and interact with our devices while they are on the move. It includes walking, running, skipping and dancing with your phone in your pocket or purse; checking the weather, calling your best friend or looking up the price of a new lamp in your local store. What has changed since we first traveled on our own two feet is how we use and interact. We can now access all our information from anywhere at such a fast rate that it seems as though we never have time to stop moving.

Advantages of mobile technology

Businesses are now able to connect with their customers and staff in new ways, while improving productivity and overall efficiency. Businesses are able to carry out more tasks and functions electronically, therefore reducing the need for employees to travel around. They are not only able to manage their business more effectively through better, faster communication by email when needed but are also saving on costly materials like paper.

Disadvantages of mobile technology

 Advantages: Mobile devices offer a simple way to connect with customers while they are out and about. This means more face-to-face interactions that can be recorded and shared, with lower costs than traditional methods. Disadvantages: Mobile devices can be costly, especially if you are purchasing new technology or devices. In addition, some mobile technologies can lack range so you might not always be able to access your business network when needed.

Do you use Smartphones for a long time?

Do you feel irritating without your mobile, or can't you live for a second without your cell phone?

Are you habitual of using the internet for 6-10 hours on your cell phone every day?

If your answer is yes, then this post is going to be very helpful to you and give you complete information about the benefits and limitations of using mobile phones.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

Hope this article will be helpful to you in order to take information about mobile phones. This article can also be beneficial for students to write an essay or make their presentation on the pros and cons of using the mobile phone. So, without any delay, let's start the topic.


In today's era, there are very few persons that do not have a mobile or not using mobile phones. Nowadays, mobile become a priority in everyone's life, so that every person uses it in their daily life for communication, business purposes, and for other activities. In today's world, the mobile phone has completely changed the life of an individual.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

We know that everything has its own impacts, good or bad. Same for the mobile phones, somehow it is a wonderful invention, and on the other hand, it includes the worst things with it. As a right perspective, the mobile phone is an extraordinary invention for humans, but using it for many hours constantly will create several problems.

Now, let's discuss the advantages of mobile phones in detail.

Advantages of mobile phones

Mobile phones have changed the way of communication. Before mobiles, there was a use of landline phones or letters for communicating with a person who lives far from you.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

Mobile phone is not limited to communication; it has various other benefits and limitations too. Mostly people are aware with the advantages of mobile phones. The benefits of mobile phones are discussed as follows -

Easy Communication

 The main benefit of using the mobile phone is that they make the mode of communication easier and cheap. Because of the lower price, mobile is affordable and has been a revolution in the telecom industry where approximately 95% of people use mobile phones for communication. No matter where you are, walk up to strangers and ask them what they think about this dress. Mobile phones have made the mode of communication easier and cheap, as just by pressing some keys on mobile, we can contact our friends, family members or colleagues, and others at any time. Easy communication is the best benefit of using a mobile phone. Not only can you contact your friends and family at any time, but also have video calls, text messages and even recorded calls. All these feature makes using a mobile phone for communication much easier.


 Education has become another major advantage of mobile phones. Learners can acquire knowledge or information on various topics and in the process, they can also help themselves in performing their duties. Growing up with the help of mobile phones, we have seen that most colleges, institutions, and schools are offering online learning with proper study material that can be in the form of images, photos, text, pdf, etc. The students have been taking online classes provided by their respective institutions to ensure the safety and health of students

Social media

  In today's digital world, we are not only communicating with people around us but also sharing our thoughts and feelings on social media. Social media gives us the opportunity to express our views, give feedback, and comment on other people's posts. We can share our thoughts and feelings directly from our mobile phones.

Promoting business

  Mobile phones are best for promoting a business via online or offline sources. In online sources, one can use social media websites and messaging applications such as telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp, Pinterest, and others. Most of the leading companies arrange their meetings on video messaging applications like skype.


 Calculators greatly increases the efficiency of your work. They can be used in all kinds of situations. For example, when working on car and home projects, it will be helpful to estimate costs and amounts necessary for the construction. It’s also very useful when traveling abroad. Thanks to calculators, you can calculate exchange rates and currency conversion while visiting other countries or shopping with foreign currencies


 The contacts in the phone are scattered. You have to open each and every contact and extract their name, email ID and phone number separately. It takes a lot of time and it seems to be a very tedious task. But now you can save any contact number in just one click.

Online banking

 Mobile phones are very useful and beneficial in our lives. But mobile phones also have their negative side as well. Mobile phones can be harmful to you, your family and other people around you. As you may use the phone more frequently, some issues like headaches, tinnitus, fatigue and so on could arise. The risks of having an added dependency on these devices are high. We need to take good care of ourselves while we are using the mobiles by limiting their usage frequently (30 minutes per day) and avoiding sitting in one place for too long periods of time.

Disadvantages of mobile phones

Along with the numerous benefits, mobile phones also have various limitations. Let's discuss the limitations of using mobile phones in detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones


 Mobile phones are considered to be more of a distraction than an aid in academics. It has nothing to do with the device, but the purpose of using it. The intelligent mobile phone helps us not to become addicted to it because they have sound & set functions that prevent us from becoming distracted from academic goals or daily chores. The best thing about mobiles is that they can be used anywhere in your pocket or bag along with other essentials like your wallet, keys and money.

Ear problems

 Technology is no longer just a tool but a distraction. Mobile phones are popular among people and even kids alike that it creates a level of distraction between our works. Some studies show that mobiles are the leading reason behind students being distracted in their studies as they are often accessing online entertainment apps that they use during their free time.

Wastage of time

 Mobile phones are one of the biggest things responsible for the wastage of time. Students want to play games, watching movies and listening songs. And another thing is that we always tend to seek our answers within seconds or minutes instead of spending hours searching through the internet

Security issues

 In this article we are going to talk about the common security issues that happen with mobile users. The major security issues that you will come across in your smartphone is the fact that it being hacked and being used for criminal purposes such as stealing a lot of money for personal use or for any other purpose. The most common hacking methods are Trojan apps and malware that runs on your phone when you install an app from unknown sources. So, always stay alert by using an antivirus software like avast which is a great protection app and also having full control of your android phone with sensitive data like bank account details, not sharing photos with friends or anyone else without their permission.

Loss of study

 Mobile phones affect the study of students. Mobile phones distract students from the study. Students majorly focus on playing games, watching movies, and other entertainment on mobile that decreases their grades. Using mobile phones in excessive amounts is a major disadvantage for students. Mobile phones mostly affect the study of students.

Health problems

 The mobile phones affect your eyes and health. The electromagnetic waves given out when you are on the cell phone can cause the eyesight problems such as a swelling of the eye, watery eyes, redness, burning sensation, headaches and other. Almost every person who uses their cell phone has to experience these side effects at some point in their life.

Sleeping issues

 Sleeping is one of the most basic needs of everyone, but many people seem to forget the importance of their sleep. Using mobile phone in excessive amount badly affects the sleeping routine because it messes up your body's natural circadian rhythms, which determine when you should be sleeping and what time you should wake up.


 Mobile phone use while driving will lead to an accident. It is very dangerous to use mobile while driving, as mobile users while driving can injure them and can kill other people by accidents.

Distance from relatives

Many times we use our phones to communicate with friends, relatives and family members from a distance. But if we do not use it properly, it can create distance from them. Sometimes the family members are sitting in a restaurant and stuck to their phones, ignoring each other.


  Now that you have a general knowledge about mobile phone and its various features, you must also keep in mind about its disadvantages. Mobile phones are universal and highly advanced, but at the same time they have their own limitations and disadvantages as well. Following are some of them:

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